Our Vision

To build a ministry based on the promises and truths that were and are being proclaimed in the Word of God.  

Those Words still have power to transform lives, but now ministry is being offered through a new venue, to a new generation. Technology allows us to meet the needs for prayer, teaching, and worship wherever one might be – and interactively together in real-time.

Presenting the Message of Christ in a way that will have a profound effect on the lives of those living in our community.

Worshiping Christ with patience and expectation, allowing the Holy Spirit to move both inside and outside church walls.

     Wings of Faith Ministries has been prayerfully conceived to minister the love of the Father, the life of the Son, and the comfort and power of the Holy Spirit – to everyone – men and women, the young and the old, and every race.

Christ can be every place, meet every need and touch every heart.

Our Pastors

Stephen Fleming comes to Wings of Faith Ministries with both Ministerial and Business backgrounds. He spent time in Youth Ministry in both Anglican and Pentecostal churches and was Pastor of a Pentecostal church for eight years.

After 20+ years of business in the service industry Alan moved to Tulsa Oklahoma to attend RHEMA Bible Training College in 2008. Upon graduating he returned to Ontario to begin a new career, teaching the Word of God

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